- 03:10 l팤۰A
- 16:09 lA
Ǻðɣ^mɣҾͲ_ˡ l - tˣϰˎґ¡l
- ԓˣMfԒԓðֻDz֪߀ܲҊl
- ŵăɶ - &n(l}) 鿴~
- trc϶h - &n(l) 鿴~
- Say Freedom - n(l) 鿴~
- - (l) 鿴~
- Whatever Will Be, Will Be - Doris Day(l) 鿴~ cԇ
- - Ӻ(lƬ^) 鿴~ cԇ
- - (lƬβ) 鿴~
ŵăɶ - &n
ҕl} ~I ܺ ϾՈڴtrc϶h - &n
ҕl ~I ܺ ϾՈڴSay Freedom - n
ҕl ~I ܺ ϾՈڴ-
ҕlƬβ ~I ܺ ڴ˿̵ěQ oQ δD һ·ǰ ҌĴ_ ʯĈԶ һ նһFĽk ̤@܇ x_ϤĽ־ _ ȥ Ȼ^m ̤@܇ ȥِ۵ľx ȻC@njěQ ȻC@njěQ ̤@܇ x_ϤĽ־ _ ȥ Ȼ^m ̤@܇ ȥِ۵ľx ȻC@njěQ ȻC@njěQ
Whatever Will Be, Will Be - Doris Day
ҕlһӢIJ When I was just a little girl ߀ǂСŮ I asked my mother what will I be ҆ҕ׃ʲôأ Will I be pretty, will I be rich ƯІ Heres what she said to me f *Que sera, sera ²ɏ Whatever will be, will be Ȼɡ The futures not ours to see ҂AҊδ Que sera, sera ²ɏ What will be, will be Ȼ. When I grew up and fell in love Lˣِˣ I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead ҆ҵˣ“҂ôأ Will we have rainbows day after day ҂ÿ춼Æ” Heres what my sweetheart said ҵĐˌf *Que sera, sera “²ɏ Whatever will be, will be Ȼɡ The futures not ours to see ҂AҊδ Que sera, sera ²ɏ What will be, will be Ȼɡ” Now I have children of my own FԼĺӣ They asked their mother what will I be ң“ҕ׃ʲôأ Will I be handsome, will I be rich ӢІ” I tell them tenderly pػش *Que sera, sera “²ɏ Whatever will be, will be Ȼɡ The futures not ours to see ҂AҊδ Que sera, sera ²ɏ What will be, will be Ȼɡ”- Ӻ
ҕlƬ^ ~I ܺ x׃ ׃ oM݆ s ijǷ Č Ҳe^ w ȻŵA ס β@λؑȫĨȥ ^ ĽY ĵ l-
ҕlƬβ ~I ܺ ڴ˿̵ěQ oQ δD һ·ǰ ҌĴ_ ʯĈԶ һ նһFĽk ̤@܇ x_ϤĽ־ _ ȥ Ȼ^m ̤@܇ ȥِ۵ľx ȻC@njěQ ȻC@njěQ ̤@܇ x_ϤĽ־ _ ȥ Ȼ^m ̤@܇ ȥِ۵ľx ȻC@njěQ ȻC@njěQrg2017-08-26