

西巴拉村莊 Khibula

西巴拉村莊的劇情簡介   A man elected by his people to become the head of a newly independent country, gets ousted by a coup d′état shortly after. He flees into the mountains where loyal troops are rumored to be waiting for him. He plans to meet them and come back from his exile to regain his power. Full of hope he is following his guardians into the mountains, in order to regroup with his true fellow... (展開全部)   A man elected by his people to become the head of a newly independent country, gets ousted by a coup d′état shortly after. He flees into the mountains where loyal troops are rumored to be waiting for him. He plans to meet them and come back from his exile to regain his power. Full of hope he is following his guardians into the mountains, in order to regroup with his true fellowers and reach the popped-off glory times again. But the journey turns out to be a restless>西巴拉村莊的影人 ( 全部 2 )
  • 喬治奧瓦什威利 導演
  • 魯洛夫揚米尼勃 編劇
西巴拉村莊的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片1添加 )
年份 2017
主演:Hossein Mahjoob / Kishvard Manvelishvili / Nodar Dzidziguri / Zurab Antelava

